• February 2, 2022

How does the Internet Work around the World?

The whole world uses the Internet. But have you ever wondered How does the Internet Work? You must have thought that it runs from satellite or it will run from the network. But you might not know that 99% of the internet runs with the help of Fiber Optic Cable. Now you must be thinking that I use in mobile, what kind of cable is used in it. The tower from which you get the network, the cable is installed in that tower as far as you have to go. Now let me tell you in a simple way. Internet comes to you through 3 companies.

Tier 1

This is the company which has installed its cable all over the world. Friends, the internet is completely free, for example, if your office is 5 km away from your home. If you connect a cable from your home computer to the office computer, then it is called the internet.

It will only cost your cable money and its maintenance cost. In this way, the Tier 1 company has installed Fiber Optic Cable from under the sea all over the world, so that the whole country is connected to each other, from country to state > city to you.

Tier 2

Network Service Provider companies are Tier 2 which provide internet to us. Tier 2 company sets its charge in GB from Tier 1. Then Tier 2 company charges us according to their tariff plan.

Tier 3

Tier 3 company provides broadband in your area by purchasing data in bulk from Tier 2.

Submarine Cable Map / Fiber Optic Cable Map

What is Fiber Optic Cable / Submarine Cable?

The fiber optic cable is installed by the Tier 1 company with its own money. Inside the fiber cable are many small wires, each wire with 100 Gbps bandwidth. When you visit this website https://www.submarinecablemap.com

In this, you will see how many such cables are there in the whole world on which your internet runs. The life of an optic fiber cable is 25 years if it breaks due to being under the sea. Then these cables are repaired by Tier 1 company.

I hope you have understood well how does the Internet Work with the help of this article.

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