• April 17, 2022

How to delete Instagram Account for Always

Today in this article we are going to discuss the Instagram trick, sometimes you have many user ids and you want to remove any user id from it, and sometimes due to special reasons you want to delete your account. You must be using Insta app for a long time but you don’t know how to delete your user id. account for always. That’s why you are reading this article. I will tell you a very easy way how to delete your Instagram account.

Everyone is using Instagram. It is a social media platform where people can become famous by uploading their posts or making reel videos. Some people are earning money by making their own reels and are also becoming very popular very quickly.

So many times, we create many user ids with different names, then we worry about which id to use, and then we want to delete some of the ids. To delete an Instagram user id, we search everywhere in the application but there is no option to delete the id. In this post, I will tell you the right way to delete an Instagram account forever.

How to Delete Instagram Account Permanently on Phone Latest 2022

NOTE: Before deleting your Instagram user id, keep some things in mind, once the account is deleted, all your data like followers, posts, comments, and likes will not come back again.

  1. Open the Instagram Application and Tap on the Profile icon.
  2. Tap on the three-line from the top right side.

3. Go to Settings.

4. Tap on Account Option.

5. Have to Scroll.

6. Tap on Delete Account and Open it.

7. There are two options in front of us. If you want to disable your account or delete it permanently, then we will select the option to delete the account.

8. Tap on Continue Deleting Account.

9. A new window will open in this we have to specify one reason why we are deleting our Instagram account.

10. After that, Enter your Instagram account password.

11. Then, Tap on OK.

How I can Delete My Instagram account?

  • Log in to your Instagram account from a mobile browser or pc.
  • Visit this page: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/remove/request/permanent/ and enter your user name and password.
  • Go to the Delete Your Account.
  • After that, you have to give anyone a reason why you are deleting your Instagram account.
  • Enter your password again and click on Permanently delete my account.
  • Now your Instagram account was deleted successfully.

Why does Instagram account work after deleting it?

Because we get a time period of 30 days from Instagram after deleting the account. If we log in by entering the user id password within 30 days, then our account will not be deleted. If we do not log in to the account within 30 days then it will be permanently deleted from the server and we won’t be able to recover our account again.

Download Instagram Reels Video

Temporarily Deactivate Instagram Account

If you want to delete your Instagram account for some time, then you can deactivate it. Temporarily deactivating your Instagram account keeps your data safe, not deleted from the meta servers.

  1. Go to https://www.instagram.com/ from a mobile/PC browser because You can’t disable your Instagram account from the application.
  2. Tap on the profile photo in the top right corner and tap Edit Profile.
  3. Scroll down and click on Temporarily Disable My Account.
  4. Instagram will ask why you are disabling your account. select reason.
  5. Then enter your current password.
  6. In this way, your account will be successfully disabled.

I hope you have understood well with the help of this article how to delete or disable your Instagram account.

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