• December 27, 2021

What is “Meta” Facebook?

Meta Facebook is the topic of discussion these days. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced he will hire 10000 people from European countries. Not to develop Facebook, but rather to work on the new Meta project. Today in this article you will learn about the ultimate concept you only see in movies. There is a novel named Snow Crash was written in 1992 by NEAL STEPHENSON. This novel is based on science fiction characters. Fixen is what you imagine in your mind. What it would be like if someone started flying in the air or running faster than a rocket etc. Like Marvel movies, it’s called a science-fiction character.

In 1992, Neal Stephenson. Thought that if a person is sitting in his house and he can reach wherever he wants in the world through his 3D image. You must be thinking that even today our image reaches through video calls. Here we are talking about moving 3D image, as if you are sitting somewhere in the house, you want me to buy some books from Dubai. So your Three-dimensional image will reach it and from there you will buy the book and deliver it to you. If this happens in the physical world, it is called Meta.

How does work Metaverse

First understand the word metaverse, where we live is called the universe, here we take oxygen, eat and drink, etc. The world beyond the universe is called the metaverse. This will be a virtual world. As shown in the Avatar movie. Lying down inside the box and going to the virtual world. Mark Zuckerberg says that after 10 years the metaverse will be ahead of the internet. You have to buy space to get into the metaverse. You will buy this space in cryptocurrency i.e. Bitcoin. Because Bitcoin is a safe currency for Metaverse.

How to Go in Metaverse

To get into the metaverse, we’ll need a VR box. Video game players will be aware of the device. VR (Virtual Reality) head-mounted device that you wear over your eyes like glasses. When we wear the device on our eyes. We see that we are actually playing that game. With the help of the VR Box device, we will go to the Metaverse.

Friends, I hope you have understood from this article. what is Meta Facebook and Metaverse?

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